History of Uttarayan

An Overview


Way back in 1978, a group of culturally conscious Bengalis residing in the proximity of S.R. Nagar, Hyderabad, started Uttarayan as a closely knit social association, out of sheer enthusiasm. For over tfhorueredecades, Uttarayan has grown multi folds. Today, they are recognized as a front line fast paced socio-cultural association.

Over the years, Uttarayan has been organizing numerous events and programs during major festivals like: Sri Sri Kali Puja and Diwali Celebrations, Saraswati Puja, Bengali New Year and others. Besides, several other programs are organized during Rabindra Jayanthi, Annual picnic, Drama festival and many more. Uttarayan continues to enthrall the people of twin city with impressive cultural activities. Both Bengalees and non-Bengalees participate in those programs in large numbers.

Sree Sree Kali Puja and Diwali Utsav is spread over a period of 3 to 4 days with variety of programs. To encourage maximum involvement and participation amongst members & their families and friends, competitions are organized for drama, dance, sports, antakshari, painting, quiz, cooking etc. To recognize talents among members and their families, Literary and Outstanding Achievement Awards are given. They are encouraged to contribute articles, poems, short-stories etc., for publication in the souvenir published every year during Kali Puja celebration. Awards are given for the best poem & best short story.

Besides the above activities, UTTARAYAN also undertakes various welfare activities. Notable among them are: providing calamity relief funds, donation to orphanages and old age homes.

Our strength has been our members and patrons. Their support, service and good wishes have been over-whelming. With the confidence and their continued support, UTTARAYAN aspires to attain greater heights in years to come and claim the status of the most popular socio - cultural organization in the twin city of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.