From The Desk of The President

From The Desk of
The President

Probably, we are now successful in overcoming the so called Pandemic and looking for brighter days. Last two years, we were really restricted to perform activities of Kali puja and Deepawali festival to minimise crowd, due to pandemic. Now from this year onwards, we believe situation has come to normal, like earlier years.

This year we have arranged our puja festival in same place i.e. MCH Ground, Dharam Karam Road, Ameerpet between 23rd & 25th October, 2022. It is our earnest request to all our patrons and well-wishers to join the Kali puja and Deepawali celebrations on all days.

In addition to Kali puja, our other activities like cultural program will be organised in a grand way. We have invited Shri Jimut Roy, who is the ace performer of Zee Saragamapa to perform his musical concert on 25th evening.

We have also invited Smt. Ankita Basu to perform her musical concert on 24th evening (on Kali puja day) with her melodious voice. As you know Smt. Ankita Bose is a regular performer in television.

Needless to mention here that our celebration will start on 23rd evening with `Anandamela’ and cultural program by inhouse talents.

In this connection, we express our sincere gratitude to MCH for providing us the ground to perform our activities. Like earlier years, we have decided to make generous contribution to Telangana Government for relief operation.

On the auspicious occasion of Kali puja the epitome of Shakti, let us pray for moral strength and courage to stand up against all the evils of our society, especially against all the wrong doings against the children and women.

At the end, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our well-wishers, sponsors, service providers, statutory authorities and all others involved in making our celebration a grand success. It is needless to mention that without their active participation it would have not been possible for Team Uttarayan to scale such a height of fineness.

Last but not the least, my heartfelt thanks to all the members of Team Uttarayan who toiled day and night throughout the year to maintain an enviable growth of our socio cultural organization. Come and join us for a grand celebration in the coming days.